Discover the Software & Professional Services Carbon Neutrality Pledge


Without a clean environment, there will be no more “business as usual.” The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has stated that humans need to cut CO2 emissions 45% by 2030 to prevent irreversible climate damage. We can already see effects today: glaciers are melting, the Great Barrier Reef is dying, and in America, devastating wildfires have torn across the West Coast, burning millions of acres of land and creating severe respiratory health risks for thousands.

How can software & professional services companies make a difference? By taking the first step: pledging carbon neutrality. We're proud to announce the Software & Professional Services Carbon Neutrality Pledge -- a tool for your company to effectively improve its environmental footprint while simultaneously showcasing an authentic commitment to the fight for our planet.

By signing the Pledge, your company will commit to the following: 

  • Prompt Reporting of carbon neutrality upon achievement sent to 

  • Transparent Carbon Neutrality by December 31st, 2022 

  • Bi-annual Check-Ins from RyeStrategy staff until neutrality is reported 

  • Public Listing as either “Pledged Neutrality” or “Carbon Neutral” on 

Signatories will receive a free, 27-page guidance package on the four key aspects of going carbon neutral (footprinting, offsetting, mitigating, and understanding the benefits of neutrality), as well as a 5% discount on our end-to-end neutrality services.

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Software Industry Carbon Neutrality Pledge Image Rye Strategy

By signing the pledge, your organization will clearly signal a belief that climate action is important and establish itself as an eco-friendly industry leader.

Making up the largest portion of the workforce, the sustainably-minded millennial segment is worth $1 trillion in consumer spending — and they're looking to find purpose and impact in their work as well. Driven by this group, consumers and employees are voting with their dollars and commitments -- studies show that they are increasingly avoiding unsustainable businesses, in favor of those that demonstrate real dedication to environmental action. Not only does carbon neutrality signal economic value to consumers and employees; investors, for example, are increasingly demanding that businesses take environmental protection seriously as well.

Companies such as IdeaScale and Wazoku have already committed to and achieved neutrality. To make a systematic difference, we’re asking you to join us next in this movement by signing the Pledge and sharing it across the software professional services industries -- a sizable impact will only be achieved when there is collaboration across value chains, competitors, customers, and other key stakeholders 

Are you ready to protect our planet? Sign the Pledge here: 

Learn about our affordable carbon footprint solutions for small and medium-sized businesses

Book a free strategy session to discuss your climate goals with a sustainability manager.

About RyeStrategy

Based in Seattle, RyeStrategy is a CDP-accredited, mission-oriented company specialized in carbon accounting, mitigation coaching, and climate disclosure solutions for organizations at any point in their sustainability journey. Learn how RyeStrategy helped Salesforce, Ideascale, and Wazoku achieve their sustainability goals.

From exhaustive carbon footprinting and mitigation coaching, to setting science-based targets and reporting climate data to CDP, SBTi or custom reporting platforms, RyeStrategy acts as a hands-on extension of the team, custom-tailoring services to fulfill climate disclosure requirements easily and accurately.

Meet with a sustainability specialist to learn more about RyeStrategy solutions.

Cooper Wechkin

Cooper is a sustainability-focused Seattle native and the founder and CEO of RyeStrategy. While a student at the University of Washington, Cooper found inspiration in businesses that operate at the intersection of positive impact and profit, leading to a personal commitment to pursue a career centered around social impact and mission-driven work. Cooper leads RyeStrategy with a simple goal in mind: to help small businesses do well by doing good. In addition to working directly with small businesses, Cooper partners with sustainability leaders at some of the world's largest organizations, in order to develop highly effective supply chain decarbonization programs. In his spare time, Cooper enjoys hiking, movies, and spending time with his family -- in 2019, he backpacked 270 miles from Manchester to Scotland.


Carbon Offsetting 101


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