Benefits of Environmental Consulting for Small Businesses

Lake surrounded byflowers and mountains during a sunset.

The best day to take the first step towards sustainable business practices was yesterday, leaving today as the next best option.

With pressure to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions and limit global temperature rise stemming from governments and international climate change organizations, each year an ever greater number of businesses large and small are pledging to reduce their operational emissions. 

Environmentally conscious organizations understand the risks climate change poses to the success of their operations. Consequences of climate change, such as extreme weather, limited access to resources, and rising temperatures can greatly increase the cost of supplies, lower productivity, and even force businesses to relocate.

While major enterprises often make headlines with regards to climate change, smaller businesses are mighty in their ability to make a collective impact, but may not know where to start. When considering the implementation of emissions-oriented sustainable business practices, organizations of all sizes can greatly benefit from partnering with an environmental consulting firm for guidance and expertise. 

What are Environmental Consultants?

The initial step in implementing emissions-oriented business practices is understanding which areas of your operations are contributing to your overall carbon footprint. That’s where environmental consultants first come in.

Environmental consulting firms offer professional guidance to assess, manage, and improve a company’s environmental impacts, such as reducing its carbon footprint. Experts in navigating the latest environmental requests and regulations, environmental consultants identify potential risks, develop strategies to help minimize harmful impacts, and assist with reporting to the proper bodies. By understanding the need for economic growth and protecting the environment, environmental consultants can ensure the success of your business while saving the planet.

How Environmental Consulting Can Help Your Business

By making a plan for decarbonization and partnering with an environmental consultant, companies can gain a competitive edge in an increasingly environmentally conscious marketplace. Along with making a core commitment to sustainability, businesses can also experience the following benefits: 

  1. Enhanced Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Over 69% of Americans favor the U.S. becoming carbon neutral by 2050. By demonstrating your business’s commitment to the environment, businesses can enhance their reputation, attract socially conscious consumers, and foster positive relationships with stakeholders. By challenging traditional practices and exploring sustainable alternatives, companies can differentiate themselves from competitors and open up new market opportunities.  

  2. Cost Savings: Implementing sustainable practices leads to cost savings in the long run. Energy-efficient technologies, waste reduction measures, and optimized resource utilization can result in lower operational expenses. Environmental consultants identify areas where companies can cut costs by minimizing waste generation, optimizing energy consumption, and exploring renewable energy alternatives.

  3. Regulatory Compliance: Environmental regulations and legislation are becoming increasingly stringent. Companies that engage in sustainability practices and work with environmental consultants are better equipped to navigate complex environmental regulations, ensure compliance and avoid potential penalties or legal issues.

  4. Competitive Advantage: As a result of consumers asking businesses to do more for the planet, large organizations themselves are asking their suppliers to do more as well. By inspiring both large and small suppliers to take action on emissions, suppliers have an edge against their competitors.

  5. Long-Term Sustainability: Businesses that proactively address their environmental impact are better prepared to adapt to future changes and challenges. By incorporating sustainability into their core business strategy, organizations can future-proof their operations and ensure long-term success by understanding where their risks are and how to prepare before disaster strikes.

The End Goal

Every business across every industry will play a part in saving the future of our planet. By taking responsibility for your contribution to climate change, you can ensure a healthy and sustainable future for all.  

Founded specifically to serve under-resourced small-medium sized businesses, RyeStrategy offers an affordable and comprehensive decarbonization package, from exhaustive carbon footprinting and mitigation strategies, to offset portfolio creation and support with leveraging the results of decarbonization initiatives through marketing, reporting, and target setting. Whether you are interested in decarbonization for social, ethical, or financial reasons, or a mix of all, we’re here to help. To start your journey, contact

Learn about our affordable carbon footprint solutions for small and medium-sized businesses

Book a free strategy session to discuss your climate goals with a sustainability manager.

About RyeStrategy

Based in Seattle, RyeStrategy is a CDP-accredited, mission-oriented company specialized in carbon accounting, mitigation coaching, and climate disclosure solutions for organizations at any point in their sustainability journey. Learn how RyeStrategy helped Salesforce, Ideascale, and Wazoku achieve their sustainability goals.

From exhaustive carbon footprinting and mitigation coaching, to setting science-based targets and reporting climate data to CDP, SBTi or custom reporting platforms, RyeStrategy acts as a hands-on extension of the team, custom-tailoring services to fulfill climate disclosure requirements easily and accurately.

Meet with a sustainability specialist to learn more about RyeStrategy solutions.

Cooper Wechkin

Cooper is a sustainability-focused Seattle native and the founder and CEO of RyeStrategy. While a student at the University of Washington, Cooper found inspiration in businesses that operate at the intersection of positive impact and profit, leading to a personal commitment to pursue a career centered around social impact and mission-driven work. Cooper leads RyeStrategy with a simple goal in mind: to help small businesses do well by doing good. In addition to working directly with small businesses, Cooper partners with sustainability leaders at some of the world's largest organizations, in order to develop highly effective supply chain decarbonization programs. In his spare time, Cooper enjoys hiking, movies, and spending time with his family -- in 2019, he backpacked 270 miles from Manchester to Scotland.


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