Why Reducing Emissions is a Growing Trend in Small Business

How, and why, 7 RyeStrategy clients have incorporated carbon management into their business strategy and company culture.

A man sitting in an office using his laptop.

By tracking and managing their carbon footprints, small businesses can identify key areas for improvement, implement effective mitigation strategies, and align with global sustainability standards. This proactive approach not only enhances environmental responsibility but also positions companies for long-term success by improving operational efficiency, meeting regulatory requirements, fulfilling enterprise requests, and appealing to increasingly eco-conscious consumers. As showcased by RyeStrategy's diverse range of clients, from sports events to enterprise suppliers, carbon reduction strategies enable businesses to achieve significant sustainability milestones, fostering a positive impact on the environment and business growth.

What concrete proof is motivating SMBs to take action? Well, the numbers speak for themselves, Capgemini’s research found that 77% of companies say their sustainability initiatives increase customer loyalty. Attracting and retaining customers is crucial for business success. Companies globally have recognized the necessity of climate disclosure. The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) reported a staggering 140% increase in disclosures from 2020 to 2023. Small business leaders are now confronted with the decision to integrate sustainability into their operations, not only to stay ahead of their peers but also to secure valuable partnerships and drive continued growth.

RyeStrategy supports clients across various industries, company sizes, and project goals. As a CDP-accredited provider (2023-2024), our trusted carbon management solutions have accelerated sustainability progress within many companies. We have navigated supplier climate disclosure requests from enterprises such as Walmart, Microsoft, Salesforce, Target, AstraZeneca, and more. The “why” is a bit different from every company and the “how” is just as unique as we help navigate varying levels of sustainability knowledge, employee enthusiasm, and net zero timelines. Continue reading to learn about 7 RyeStrategy client and their carbon management journeys.

Maintain Key Enterprise-Supplier Relationships

For B2B small businesses, the enterprise-supplier relationship is critical in driving climate expectations, as companies increasingly mandate their suppliers to meet stringent environmental standards. This shift is primarily driven by the need to address scope 3 emissions, which encompass the indirect emissions from the entire value chain. From the perspective of an enterprise, supporting suppliers is necessary to reduce scope 3 emissions.

In 2022, Salesforce enlisted RyeStrategy's expertise to help achieve their ambitious goal of having suppliers representing 60% of their scope 3 emissions set science-based targets by 2024. RyeStrategy played a pivotal role by guiding Salesforce's vendors through the greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory process, accelerating their path toward net zero.

Enterprises, like Salesforce, have started to include supplier climate data disclosure requests in their supplier code of conduct, requiring compliance to maintain preferred supplier status. VCNY Home, a leading manufacturer of home decor products, partnered with RyeStrategy to manage their carbon emissions and meet the climate disclosure requirements set by major retailers like Walmart and Target.

Donna Gilleece-Smith, Quality Assurance & Compliance Manager at VCNY Home, discussed how other small businesses can efficiently fulfill climate disclosure requests by partnering with RyeStrategy, “If you’re a supplier considering working with RyeStrategy, my advice is to just do it. It will make your life easier and your project less stressful. The team is nice, helpful, and knowledgeable.”

Business management and technology consulting firm in Redmond, WA, RedCloud Consulting, also partnered with RyeStrategy to ensure timely and precise fulfillment of Microsoft supplier sustainability data disclosures. RyeStrategy continues to support RedCloud with ongoing carbon accounting, mitigation strategies, and climate education for its employees. These successes illustrate RyeStrategy's integral role in helping small businesses navigate and meet complex climate commitments over time and engaging employees as part of the process. Tonia Steed, Account Director at RedCloud, shared this observation about the impact on employees and company culture, “Employees were excited about the climate initiatives and came together to work on ideas to continue reducing our carbon emissions.”

Meet Carbon Emission Reduction & Offset Goals

Carbon management and mitigation strategies are essential for small businesses aiming to reduce their environmental impact. Wazoku, striving to offset their 2019 carbon footprint, partnered with RyeStrategy, who developed a custom portfolio to address their scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions and provided future mitigation guidance tailored to their emissions hotspots and resources.

RyeStrategy assists IdeaScale annually with a comprehensive carbon reduction service package, which includes calculating annual footprints, building custom offset portfolios, and designing tailored mitigation strategies to support its sustainability goals. Jessica Day, Co-founder & CMO of IdeaScale, shared the success of this approach, “Going carbon neutral gave our brand distinction in the marketplace. We know of at least one deal where a customer chose us over the competitors because we were carbon neutral.”

Karbon, in prioritizing sustainability and decarbonization, uncovered ‘invisible emissions’ during their first GHG inventory with RyeStrategy in 2021 and implemented effective mitigation strategies suited to their hybrid-remote workforce with RyeStrategy's support. These collaborations showcased the importance of quantifying carbon emissions, even in small businesses, to make progress toward mitigating and reducing emissions throughout the business.

Manage Carbon Footprint for In-Person Events

A laptop displaying RyeStrategy Carbon Footprint Software

Integrating sustainability practices from our personal lives to our businesses requires constantly evaluating how we can learn and improve. Green Sports Alliance is on a mission to drive environmental and social responsibility by focusing on the sports industry.

The intersection of sports and sustainability emphasizes the broadness and impact of eco-friendly initiatives. Through a unique project, Green Sports Alliance partnered with RyeStrategy to manage carbon accounting for the 2023 College Football Playoff, encompassing emissions from buildings, temporary facilities, ground transportation, and fan travel. This project raised awareness among both small businesses and consumers about ways we can all support communities socially and environmentally by mitigating emissions at public events and throughout our daily lives.


How to Get Started as a Small Business

Integrating a sustainability-focused mindset and carbon accounting into your businesses can significantly impact your business operations, employee satisfaction, and revenue. Working with RyeStrategy will help your business effectively track and manage your carbon footprint, uncover key areas for improvement, and implement robust mitigation strategies while educating and including your employees. Whether it is meeting a disclosure deadline or employee interest in sustainable practices, RyeStrategy can guide your company on its journey.

Ready to explore how sustainability can enhance your small business? Schedule a meeting with a RyeStrategy sustainability manager today to learn more about integrating carbon management into your operations.


Learn about our affordable carbon footprint solutions for small and medium-sized businesses

Book a free strategy session to discuss your climate goals with a sustainability manager.

About RyeStrategy

Based in Seattle, RyeStrategy is a CDP-accredited, mission-oriented company specialized in carbon accounting, mitigation coaching, and climate disclosure solutions for organizations at any point in their sustainability journey. Learn how RyeStrategy helped Salesforce, Ideascale, and Wazoku achieve their sustainability goals.

From exhaustive carbon footprinting and mitigation coaching, to setting science-based targets and reporting climate data to CDP, SBTi or custom reporting platforms, RyeStrategy acts as a hands-on extension of the team, custom-tailoring services to fulfill climate disclosure requirements easily and accurately.

Meet with a sustainability specialist to learn more about RyeStrategy solutions.

Cooper Wechkin

Cooper is a sustainability-focused Seattle native and the founder and CEO of RyeStrategy. While a student at the University of Washington, Cooper found inspiration in businesses that operate at the intersection of positive impact and profit, leading to a personal commitment to pursue a career centered around social impact and mission-driven work. Cooper leads RyeStrategy with a simple goal in mind: to help small businesses do well by doing good. In addition to working directly with small businesses, Cooper partners with sustainability leaders at some of the world's largest organizations, in order to develop highly effective supply chain decarbonization programs. In his spare time, Cooper enjoys hiking, movies, and spending time with his family -- in 2019, he backpacked 270 miles from Manchester to Scotland.


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